Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mobile Website Profits

Mobile Website Profits Review

“Why Going Mobile Is The Next Website Trend Smart Marketers Are Quietly Keeping Under Their Hats!”

Last year was a ground-breaking year in the world of cyberspace, and it’s going to affect each and every one of us.

You see, last year, for the first time, the rise in mobile phone usage exceeded the growth of personal computing.

What this means, to you and me, is that people are abandoning their PC’s because they’ve discovered they can do just about everything they need to on their mobile devices.

Including access – and use – the internet. And all their favorite mobile-ready sites.

And it all boils down to this simple fact…

Those whose businesses are mobile-ready and optimized are going to become the new online business leaders of this coming decade.

And those who choose to ignore it are going to be left behind.

Dismiss it, and you can expect to watch others:

* Surge past you to take over the lead roles

* Become the authority figures for the new generation

* Take a serious piece of your pie – and then go back for a second helping

* Leave you with an empty plate – and an internet business that is no longer viable

* Leave you unable to compete. Just the way that Commodore computers blew away on the wind before the onslaught of the Microsoft empire

This is not just my opinion. The rise in cell phone internet access last year was not only jaw-dropping, but it even extended to two groups traditionally not in marketing play at all.

I’m talking about those over 55… and children.

It all boils down to a really simple reason: Using your mobile phone or PDA to access the net is something that people are increasingly finding to be really, really easy.

Think about it. It’s something you can do while you’re:

* Out and about, rushing from one appointment or class to another

* Waiting for school computers to become “free” (if you’ve been to college, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. There’s always a lineup… and you can never get on a computer right when you need one)

* Leaving your clunky laptop at home – it’s so much easier to browse the net on the cell phone you put in your pocket nowadays

* Making good use of traditional “dead” time, while finding yourself caught waiting for delayed public transportation… or riding as a passenger in someone else’s car

* Away at a conference… or visiting the in-laws (the ones who don’t like anyone else touching their computer)

* Sitting in the doctor’s office… or waiting for your kids in the school parking lot

Did you know you could be letting money you don’t yet have blow out your wide open window if you ignore:

* Mobile advertising – and the different-from-your-PC rules you need to know

* How to get your mobile site found and accessed – before most of your competitors even know it’s there!

* Letting your site be one of the small, mobile-optimized minority people gratefully bookmark and return to

* Ways to easily boost your promotions – ones that aren’t even available via PC

* The most important difference between mobile devices and PC’s – the one that’s making it possible for even new businesses to prosper

If my Special Report tells you quickly what you need to know, and shows you an easy way to go mobile within an hour, it will save you the headache of all that initial research… leaving you free to zero in only on what will work for you in the mobile world… and allow you to take less precious time away from your business or family.

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